Monday, February 9, 2009

T. Harding Strikes Again!

What started out as a casual winter afternoon filled with backward crossovers and triple lutz's turned ugly as figure skating star Noa Sloan took the ice last Saturday.

After a few warm up laps in her signature double bladed strap-on skates, Daddy and NSB began practicing their Ice Dancing Short Program in preparation for their Winter Olympic debut in 2010. But before the duo could wow the crowd at the Hommock's Park Ice Rink with their gold medal toe loop/throw jump/sit spin combo, Harding came out of nowhere and clubbed poor Noa right in the knees, crushing her Olympic dreams to bits.

15 years after her infamous attack on Nancy "Why??? Why???" Kerrigan, this woman is still terrorizing young Olympic skaters in the hopes of putting her disappointing Celebrity Boxing days behind her and regaining her "Blades of Glory" status in the world of Figure Skating.

Aside from some tearful sobbing, thankfully NSB came out of it completely unscathed. But both Mom and Dad don't foresee another skating Saturday anytime in the near future. Eyewitness footage before and after the incident ran on the local news and is posted below.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Summer Games 2012

Check out Noa practicing somersaults before bathtime. She's really giving the women's Chinese olympic team a run for their money. Think she'd be the youngest on the team?