Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Just so we don't forget...

Every day Noa says or does something that cracks us up. I think I'm going to remember it, and by the end of the day, I've completely forgotten what it was! I keep saying I have to write this stuff down, and then never do. So this post is going to be nothing more than a running list of things I never want to forget.

At 22 months old: Noa is very outgoing and verbal. She befriends strangers everywhere we go!

-As I was sitting on the couch this morning, Noa walked up to me, put her hand on my arm and said, "Are you okay, Honey?" and then rested her head on my lap. I have no idea where she heard that sentence before!

-Whenever Jory puts his jacket on to leave for work Noa gives him a big smile and says, "LOOOOOOOVE YOU!" before he walks out the door.

-Noa always wants two of everything. Give her a cracker and she'll ask, "Two crackers? Two crackers, mommy?" She's asked for two Nemo's, two goldfish, two spoons, two keys, etc etc.

-Noa loves all the people that work in our apartment building. She says hi to most everyone she passes on the street anyway, but she really loves Colin who works in the garage. She'll see him and scream while waving frantically, "HIIII COLIN!!!!!" whenever we go down to get the car.

-Noa is beginning to express her independence. We hear alot of: "Noa do it!", followed immediately by a proud, "I did it!".

-Noa can sing her ABC's and can count to 10 on her own, however she does throw a few extra "4's" in there!

-Noa wakes up from her naps saying some strange things. Today she woke up saying, "Bless you, Noa. More cake? Cake and broccoli? Thank you, Mommy."

-Last month Daddy flipped his upper and lower lips inside out to make them really big to make Noa laugh. She looked at him and said, "Gross!". Another word she's picked up without our knowledge.

-Once when Noa and I were driving in the car on an overcast day she asked, "Sunshine, where aaaaaare you?"

Friday, April 10, 2009

Noa and Nathan

There were two little monkeys jumpin' on the bed before Seder this year!

Twinkle Twinkle